Thursday, 29 December 2011


एक बात याद रखो बस, अन्तःकरण का सम्बन्ध भगवान से और गुरु से हो. केवल सिर को पैर पर रख देने से काम नहीं बनेगा,आरती कर लेने से काम नहीं बनेगा,दक्षिणा दे देने से काम नहीं बनेगा. ये सब हेल्पर है. तुम्हारे पास जो कुछ है दो,सब ठीक है. सर्व समर्पण करना है गुरु को ,भगवान को, लेकिन इतने मात्र से काम नही बनेगा. 'अनुराग' सबसे प्रमुख है ,अन्तःकरण से प्यार.

Remember one thing that the relation of your Heart should be with God and Guru. Only Bowing your head to Guru's Lotus Feet ,only Doing Aarti will not do the work ,only Giving Donation will not serve the purpose .They all are helpers. Whatever you have you should give as we have to dedicate everything to Guru and God, but doing this only will not serve our purpose of God Realization. The main thing is Love for God from your heart, Love from the Heart.

Monday, 26 December 2011


There is no Age like the Age of Kali, in which one can attain God simply by chanting the holy name. Kaliyug is full of faults. However, its biggest virtue is that in this Age one can attain God by simply chanting His glories. In Kaliyug, the only recommended spiritual Sadhana is the chanting of Krishna’s names, attributes and pastimes. The action which bears fruit in twelve years in Satyug bears fruit in just one year in the Age of Treta. In Dvapar, the same action bears fruit in just one month. And in Kaliyug, the same action bears fruit in 24 hours. 

Thursday, 22 December 2011


The entire human kind is surrounded by various questions which are devoid of caste and creed, engulf both rich and poor, are associated with day to day life and daily routines,ponder our queries about happiness,satisfaction and prosperity,aims and objectives in our life.Despite of rigorous introspection and analysis, the answers are nowhere in sight.Can we see through them and find an answer to our ever-pondering questions about peace,satisfaction,happiness to lead a prosperous life.

Yes the answers to all your questions is an inherent part of wellwishing life empowering discourses by His Lordship Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. Watch their pravachans and His Lordship will empower your life and guide you to lead a prosperous,peaceful and happy life.

His Lordship Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj is only the 5th to hold the coverted honour of Jagadguru. His lordship’s Scholastic authority,Spiritual prowess,Divine Knowledge and magnetic oratory are mesmerizing.Millions of people were benefited by the virtue of Sadhana and guidance of his Lordship. His empowering personality and soothing guidance can steer your life towards your aims of leading a peaceful,prosperous and satisfactory life.

Watch the Divine Lectures of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj on following television Channels

Sahara Samay : Everyday 6.30 A.M to 7.00 A.M
Sadhana          : Everyday 7.10 A.M to 7.40 A.M
Aastha            : Everyday  6.20 P.M to 6.45 P.M

Listen Once in Your Life. Radhe Radhe.

Saturday, 17 December 2011


Recently a new page has been featured on Wikipedia about Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj   This page covers the the information about 5th original Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj Birth and early life history,How Shree Maharajji became 5th Original Jagadguru of the Age,Discourses on Tv,Teachings,Maharajji’s Works,Ashrams and Temples, Philanthropic Activities. Visit 

Kripaluji Maharaj received the title of Jagadguru (world teacher) at the age of 34 in 1957. Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj is an authoritative orator and his religious discourses are attended by huge gatherings.These discourses are broadcast every day on TV channels such as Aastha, Sadhna TV, Sahara Samay and Sanskar TV. His discourses are also broadcast every weekday on TV Asia in the USA. In his TV discourses, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj quotes the chapter and verse of everything he cites. 

Besides giving discourses, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has set up three modern well-equipped hospitals: one in Mangarh, one in Barsana and one in Vrindavan, which provide modern methods of diagnosis and medicines to the poor free of charge. 

Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has established JKP Education, which runs three colleges for girls in Kunda, Uttar Pradesh (Kripalu Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Kripalu Balika Primary School and Kripalu Balika Intermediate College). These colleges provide 100% free education for students from Kindergarten to Post graduation.A yearly magazine called Gyan-Vigyan details the current activities of these colleges, and an annual function called Utthaan (the rising) showcases the students' talents and achievements.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Dear Souls! 

Radha Krishna are everything for you. They are truly yours forever by all means, and you only belong to Them. Don’t think that Krishn is Almighty Supreme God Who is not easily accessible to common souls. They are just yours. Radha and Krishn are so kind and loving that They are waiting with Their open arms to embrace you...

Leaving all the worldly attachments just look at Them with full faith and confidence like a small child and They will become yours forever....Austerity, yog, or vigorous practice of meditation etc., are never required in order to receive Their Grace as They are causelessly merciful by nature. Just have unflinching faith in Them. That’s all you have to do.

Your eternally ruined luck will be instantly transformed and you will become Theirs forever....You just give yourself into Their hands and see that They will do everything for you....(Our scriptures tell that) They have embraced great sinful souls; then why don’t you develop full faith in Them? What are you hesitating for? Trust my words, just do it and see…


Sunday, 11 December 2011


Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj is the sole fifth Jagadguru of this age. He is a Jagadguru not by any right of inheritance to a monastic seat but by the virtue of his transcendental, spiritual merit and profound and prodigious authority over Holy Scriptures like the Vedas, the Upanishadas, the Puranas, the Gita, the Ramayan and the Ram Charit Manas. In this introductory brief, he would henceforth be referred to as ‘Shri Maharajji’, an epithet by which he is lovingly and popularly known.

An historical event happened in Kashi, in January 1957 when Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj gave his amazing series of lectures at the invitation of Kashi Vidvat Parishad, an apex body of the learned scholars of bhartiya scriptures in Kashi (Varanasi).

Shri Maharajji spoke for seven days in scholarly sanskrit, revealing the secrets of our scriptures and reconciling the discrepancies that appear in darshan shastras and the writings of our jagadgurus. He gave references from hundreds of bhartiya scriptures that amazed and enthralled the entire audience. Apart from the general audience, over 500 erudite sanskrit scholars from Varanasi and other parts of india were present.

With profound admiration, the pandits of Kashi vidvat parishad proclaimed him as the supreme jagadguru of this age. Among the various accolades that they showered upon him was "Bhakti Yoga Rasavatara", or the incarnation of divine love. Jagaguru Shri Kripalu Ji maharaj is thus the Fifth original Jagadguru in the past 5,000 years.

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Khushwant Singh Tells

I am nastic but deeply intrested in all religions. Like other people I have been trying to find answers to three questions

1. Where have we come from?
2.How should we conduct ourselves in the life given to us ?
3. Where do we go when we die?

In the quest for answers to these questions I read sacred texts, listen to talks given by holy men and scholars of religion. The only one who impressed me above others is Kripaluji Maharaj.

I am most impressed by what Kripalu Ji Maharaj has to say. His scholarship is profound ,His memory chapter and verse He quotes from the world scriptures is phenomenal, He is lucid His logic irrefutable and his manner of putting across his ideas most convincing He is in short my idea of Jagadguru in a true sense of word. I listen to Him in spellbound attention and share the joy of singing and dancing at the end of His lectures. Kripaluji Maharaj brings happiness in peoples lives.

Friday, 2 December 2011


In this world, there are few fortunate ones, who move towards God. Amongst them, only a few are fortunate enough to get the association of a genuine Saint. Amongst them too, there are a few who are fortunate enough to get the Divine knowledge. Nevertheless, there is one flaw, which does not let them progress. It is their habit of procrastination. When it comes to worldly activities, we do these immediately. We never defer activities like attaching our minds somewhere, or showing aversion somewhere, or insulting someone, or causing damage to someone. We do these instantly. But we always postpone God related activities. Vedas say – "Don’t leave anything for tomorrow. Who knows, tomorrow may not come in your life". So, do not procrastinate even for a moment. Start practicing devotion right from this moment.